There are Suggest and Avoid in starting your opt-in mailing list. Here are some of the most important tips worth mentioning:
- Put a subscription form prominently on your website. You can create your own subscription form using a software Sign-Up to’s form builder.
- Inform people that they can subscribe to your email list on the signature of your normal work emails. This will enable it to link straight through the form on your website.
- Ask people permission if they do want to be subscribed on your mailing list. As much as possible avoid being suspected for SPAM.
- Open options for subscription especially during your interactions with them. Always be ready with your subscription cards if you run in on events.
- Be clear on how people can benefit from subscribing and how often will you contact them. Make them know exactly what they will be receiving.
- If you can, contact new subscriber as soon as you can. Welcome them with notes and tell them what to expect.
- Add everyone who has ever emailed you to your list. Always ask permission first.
- Purchase lists that you are not 100% sure that are opt-in. Always have an evidence to prove the legitimacy of the opt-ins.
- Abuse people’s trust. This is a sure way to ruin your brand and you. Soon enough they will ignore your messages.
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